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Thursday, June 13, 2013

6.5 million People and 30 years; Traditional Marriage is Still Tops

NOMblog: New Danish Study of 6.5 Million: Health Benefits of Marriage are Unique to Male-Female Unions

During 2000 to 2011, Danish male-female married couples were the healthiest and least likely to die at various ages compared with individuals who were unmarried, divorced or widowed. In contrast, same-sex married men in Denmark were no healthier than unmarried men. Same-sex married women had much higher mortality rates than other women, including the ones who were unmarried, divorced or widowed. There was no apparent marriage “benefit” in terms of better health or longer life for these same-sex married women.

I find it curious that, in so many studies, outcomes are so much worse for lesbian couples than any other group, except possibly single mothers.

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